Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ear Baby and Children Problems and How to Treatment

Ear Baby and Children Problems and How to Treatment

Samsung UN32H5203 32-Inch 1080p 60Hz Smart LED TVIn children with a history of skin allergies, especially allergies often experience itching ear canal itself is actually a defense mechanism forms the ears as well. When already excessive ear wax production, so it needs to be cleaned. Or is there something disturbing, threatening, or harmful to the ear canal. Abandonment itching complaints should not happen. That's a clue, care needs to be improved ear canal.

Clean air is very good for the ears, but in cold temperatures or windy weather, through the organs of the baby's ear will lose a lot of body heat. That is why, the new baby's ear is part of the body that must be protected at the time of bringing the baby out of the house in the cold temperatures, or when the baby is sleeping in the room air-conditioner water. Wear headgear or earband in infants. Occasional checks his ears, when cold means the baby is cold.

The ear is the "door" in and out is important. In the inner ear or the ear drums are eustaschis pipeline, which connects the space around the throat and nose, with the middle ear. Ear drums task is to balance the pressure in front of and behind the ear drums, and without this organ, the baby's hearing is not functioning. At the same time, the drums of the ear is the entry and exit of all sorts of germs. In infants it is located so close and sensitive, which is why infants are susceptible to respiratory infections-from nose organ which then cause inflammation of the ear drums. In the end, the infection spreads to the middle ear so that the baby suffered from ear pain. Therefore, vigilant and immediately resolve the symptoms of respiratory infections from spreading to the ear, with a baby to the pediatrician.

Ears need sound stimuli safe. To improve the function of the hearing organ, excellent give baby sound stimuli, for example, from the sounds around him, or of a rattle. However, before buying the toys that emit sounds, test it first sounds. This is because, there are toys in the form of hours that emit sound up to 80 decibels, which is too loud for the size of the baby's ear. Likewise with music or noise. Threshold is a baby sound decibels, and if more than that, he can not adjust his hearing ability so it will have a hearing loss due to noise pollution and stress.

Ear Cleaning

Earwax should be regularly cleaned, that is still controversial. Actually, the ear canal is clean itself (self-cleansing). From the movement of the jaw can push earwax accumulates onto the surface of the ear canal, it can even out and fell himself. This led to the assumption does not need regular cleaning the ear canal. However, in children with a history of allergies, especially with skin allergies are usually often experience itching in the ear. For the production of feces ears quite a lot, maybe it needs to be regularly cleaned properly when it's disturbing. Normally, earwax will dried out naturally. Not so when wet ear wax. Children like this are usually very productive ears dirt. If not cleaned will be more and more dirt and impact menumnpuk impede the flow entry of sound waves.

Stools hard it can actually be taken on its own (without having to see a doctor) to soften stools in advance using karbogliserin liquid (can be purchased at pharmacies). But if you are in doubt, it is better to take the child to the doctor.

Cleaning the ear canal does not necessarily negate the dirt to his ear, but especially in order to dry the ear canal from getting wet by the water bath, or after a swim. Wet ear canal can become obstacles to the flow noise as well.

How to clean the ears with Cotton Bud

Cleaning the ears is often a matter of controversy among the clinicians though. Like the nose, there is an opinion piece in the ear also can not be cleaned. You should clean the dirt if it has reached the "door" out or after a "bend" in the outer ear canal. Use cotton buds were given warm water so that the dirt so more malleable, so easily removed. Ask your doctor for help to clean the dirt inside the ear and hard. Cleaning the ear canal is cleaned with the help of swab (cotton bud) is not entirely wrong, but it can be dangerous if not careful or too into the ear canal entrance. Clean the child's ears with a cotton bud, or other types of poker ears enough to the surface that looks just the naked eye. It should be on guard so that the cotton is also not left behind in the ear canal. Use a cotton bud quality.
Be careful when using a cotton bud, do not be too deep, no more than 1 cm.Dikhawatirkan dirt will be pushed into. The dirt can accumulate inside the ear and interfere with hearing.
Cotton bud in addition to dry the ear canal canal wet, even wiping the walls of the ear canal so that the ear wax attached on it at once erased as well.

However, if one does the cleaning in the one drawback is the use of a cotton bud instead pushed earwax deeper into the ear canal when the tip of a cotton bud enters the ear canal. Earwax is pushed along by the cotton bud that is what will eventually clot and then plug the ear canal by the dirt itself (cerumen prop). Complaints of sudden deaf, often occurs as a result of this condition. Then you should choose cleaning the ear canal using a cotton bud models that resemble ancient hoe from metal or bone. It looked like a stick and on the end there pengumpilnya. Earwax dredged and caught at the hoe tool, carried out, and will not be pushed into as if wearing a cotton bud.

Should not wear a cotton bud sticks atauy with other materials. The weakness of the cotton buds used, can injure the walls of the ear that is too hard or rough use. Injury wall of the ear canal resulting in mild infections (otitis externa). Severe ear pain, fever, and children become fussy holding her ears on. The same thing can occur in adults. Habits should be avoided scraping the ear canal with a finger, feather epilepsy, toothpicks, pins, or anything. Cotton buds should not of metal, preferably bone or wood materials.
And fungal infections

When cleaning the ear canal, no matter what the model is less clean of pests, it could cause an infection, especially if the habit of wearing a cotton bud anything and from anywhere. Wearing the grass, or feathers, for example, despite of nature could have been contaminated with germs, including fungi. The entry of this contamination can infect the ear canal wall.
Infections and infestations can interfere with hearing the same mold as those ear canal is blocked by ear wax alone. The difference, or fungal infections of the skin, there are additional complaints, other than the possibility of fever ear pain, and itching incredible.
Ear Care

Clean the shower while bathing is the best time to clean your baby's ears. Due to the wet conditions, greatly facilitate the process of cleaning the ear. Use a damp cloth to clean the outside of the ear. After that, clean the inside folds of the ear gently to dry.
Clean the ear using a damp cloth. While the ear can be cleaned each time the bath. Use cotton buds or cotton wool soaked in warm water. Do it gently. Use a cloth that has been soaked in warm water to clean your child's ear. If this ritual on a regular basis, this method can eliminate dead skin cells around the child's ear and ear hygiene course. Clean the outside of the ear, skin sidelines and back. After that, dry immediately. Drops of baby oil to the cloth can be done but do not actually need.
Do not use cotton Never push cotton buds (cotton bud) into the baby's ear, but just use a cotton bud to clean the outer ear. Because if you put all the cotton buds into the ear, when the risk can be left in the ear, can eventually damage the eardrum which will result in further complications.
If there are some ear drops dirt on your baby's ear that can not be cleaned, try using ear drops. However, before using it better consult a doctor first.

Do not experiment with his own drug concoction There are some parents who often entrust herb in the family for generations to treat their children, but when the baby is still a baby, you should not try to take action, before knowing the side effects first. In baby care, should live what is suggested by the doctor, because of relatively safe and has been proven to be effective.

Do not clean when it is dry Do not try to clean the baby's ears when it is dry. This will cause skin irritation and goresan.Bayi may feel uncomfortable while you clean his ears. So, if the baby starts acting up, you should be extra careful and patient in the face. If it still forces could cause some serious injuries
When bathing Sabuni to all parts between the ears as well as pleats, do not forget to dry it. The rest of the bath water is left tucked in between the ears and skin folds that skin fungus growing embryo. Includes in ear piercing hole if earrings are worn into the source of infection, or skin fungus mold nest.

Baby bathing in warm water, but not hot, with a touch of your elbow. A sink works well for newborns, just put a towel in the water first to protect the delicate skin of the drain plug and to aid traction.
Hold your child safe by putting his hands behind his back. If you are not confident with the baby holding on wet, reaching and holding it in one hand. (You will get wet in this way.)

Dampen a wash cloth, and use it to wipe the area in front of the ear (soap is not necessary.) Move the laps away from his face to keep the water out of his eyes. Next, remove all the parts around the ears, make sure to get a gap where the back of his ear meets his head. This is a common area for accumulation of dirt in the ear.

Lightly moisten again and gently wipe the inside of the outer ear. Some babies have cracks here too. Make sure your baby's ears clean clean.

Roll ends of cloth to a small point. (This works best with a washcloth that is designed for infants, which has a smaller stitches.) Squeeze out excess water, and gently tuck the point in the baby's ear and rotates once. This removes the dirt from the outside edge, but the lack of rigor will keep the cloth that goes too far will damage the baby's ear. (Note: This step is optional if you hesitate to do it yourself, and wipe the outer area is already enough)

Consult our ears and the child to the doctor on a regular basis. At least every 6 months. Medical aids, coupled physician skills, can help clean ears and prevent that dirt was pushed into.
Screening is important for the baby's ear. In Europe since 2009, became a standard hearing screening for newborn health. In this way, any hearing problems can be treated in the first year, so it does not interfere with the development of children's language. In this screening, the reaction of the inner ear was measured with a special instrument and to be able to go through this process, the baby should be in a state of sleep.

Although only 1 to 2 children born in 1000, had problems with his ears, ear screening remains important and make sure your baby gets this test.

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